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Displays information regarding time at a user-specified location on Mars

Arguments and Return Values

Parameters: A structure returned from marstimeglobal, and the planetocentric longitude and latitude of the desired site

Return Value: Structure giving the parameters for local Mars time at the specified site


Syntax: marstimelocal((global structure), longitude, latitude)

For input, this function takes a structure returned from marstimeglobal, and the planetocentric longitude and latitude of the site for which to calculate the local time. Longitude is east positive; latitude is north positive.

Most of the equations used in the Mars time calculations are adapted from NASA GISS Mars24 (available at and Allison, M., and M. McEwen (2000), A post-Pathfinder evaluation of aerocentric solar coordinates with improved timing recipes for Mars seasonal/diurnal climate studies, Planet. Space Sci., 48, 215-235, doi:10.1016/S0032-0633(99)00092-6 (available at

The accuracy of the outputs depends on the accuracy of the inputs, including the time input to marstimeglobal. The accuracy limits listed below are for the best possible case, where the input location's coordinates are known exactly.

NOTE that for the calculated time quantities, due to 0.004 degrees of uncertainty (1 part in 90,000) in the inertial location of the martian prime meridian, there is an uncertainty of 1 second (2.7e-4 hr, or 1.1e-5 sol) in all of these quantities, in addition to the theoretical limits given below.

The function will return a structure with the local Mars time parameters for the input time and location. They are:

Dt: J2000 TT offset, in days (this is just from the first input)

lon: Planetocentric longitude, in degrees (second input); as accurate as input

lat: Planetocentric latitude, in degrees (third input); as accurate as input

lonpg: Planetographic longitude (west positive), in degrees; as accurate as input longitude

latpg: Planetographic latitude, in degrees; accurate within ~0.01 degrees

timezone: String specifying local time zone offset, relative to MTC. Martian time zones are simply defined to be 15 degrees wide, centered on every multiple of 15 degrees longitude.

LMZT: Local Mean Zonal Time (analagous to local standard time on Earth), in hours; accurate within 0.1 sec (0.000028 hr)

LMST: Local Mean Solar Time, in hours; accurate within 0.1 sec (0.000028 hr), provided the input longitude is accurate within well under 0.00042 degrees.

LTST: Local True Solar Time, in hours; accurate within 3 s (0.000833 hr).

Z: Local zenith (solar incidence angle); accurate to 0.15 degrees. The zenith equals zero if the Sun is directly overhead; it equals ninety degrees if the Sun is on the horizon.

A: Local solar azimuth; accurate within ~0.05 degrees. The azimuth as defined here runs clockwise from north.

The stated accuracy ranges are only applicable between 1900 and 2100. Outside that range, the returned values should be considered to be questionable.

Most values in the returned structure are single precision (float format), since the values cannot be determined to enough significant figures to warrant double precision.

When marstimelocal() is entered without any arguments, it prints its description, as shown below.


dv> marstimelocal()

Returns local Mars time data, given array of global Mars time data
 and planetocentric coordinates (east longitude positive)
marstimelocal((global structure), longitude, latitude)
 global structure is a structure obtained from marstimeglobal
NOTE that due to 0.004 degrees of uncertainty (1 part in 90,000) in
 the inertial location of the martian prime meridian, there is an
 uncertainty of 1 second in all of these quantities, in addition to
 the theoretical limits given below.
Fields in returned structure (all angles in degrees):
 Dt: J2000 TT offset, in days (first input); as accurate as input
 lon: Planetocentric longitude (second input); as accurate as input
 lat: Planetocentric latitude (third input); as accurate as input
 lonpg: Planetographic longitude; as accurate as input longitude
 latpg: Planetographic latitude; accurate within ~0.01 degrees
 timezone: String specifying local time zone offset, relative to MTC
  Martian time zones are simply defined to be 15 degrees wide,
   centered on every multiple of 15 degrees longitude
 LMZT: Local Mean Zonal Time (local standard time), in hours;
  accurate within 0.1 sec (0.000028 hr)
 LMST: Local Mean Solar Time, in hours; accurate within 0.1 sec
  (0.000028 hr), provided the input longitude is accurate within
  well under 0.00042 degrees
 LTST: Local True Solar Time, in hours;
  accurate within 3 s (0.000833 hr)
 Z: Local zenith (solar incidence angle); accurate to 0.15 degrees
 A: Local solar azimuth; accurate within ~0.05 degrees
All stated accuracies are for dates between 1900 and 2100, provided
 the input time is exact. Outside that range, questionable accuracy.
S. Marshall 11-10-2009
dv> ans = marstimeglobal(atod("3616.56492959585"))
struct, 15 elements
    Dt: 3616.56492959585
    M: 114.542068481445
    aFMS: 5.60519933700562
    PBS: -0.00852344091981649
    EoC: 9.23740196228027
    nu: 123.779472351074
    R: 1.59311711788177
    hlon: 99.8689727783203
    hlat: 1.36212968826294
    LS: 14.8426008224487
    EoT: -0.525308728218079
    MSD: 48311.4206288116
    MTC: 10.0950918197632
    ssplon: 36.4532585144043
    decl: 6.26008462905884
dv> marstimelocal(ans, atod("175.4785"), atod("-14.7542")) # MER-A (Spirit) landing site
struct, 11 elements
    Dt: 3616.56492959585
    lon: 175.478500366211
    lat: -14.7541999816895
    lonpg: 184.521500000000
    latpg: -14.9217443466187
    timezone: "+12"
    LMZT: 22.0950927734375
    LMST: 21.7936592102051
    LTST: 21.2683506011963
    Z: 138.893905639648
    A: 262.619415283203
dv> marstimelocal(ans, atod("354.4742"), atod("-1.9483")) # MER-B (Opportunity) landing site
struct, 11 elements
    Dt: 3616.56492959585
    lon: 354.474212646484
    lat: -1.94830000400543
    lonpg: 5.52580000000000
    latpg: -1.97143328189850
    timezone: "+0"
    LMZT: 10.0950927734375
    LMST: 9.72670650482178
    LTST: 9.20139694213867
    Z: 42.7249603271484
    A: 78.4894790649414

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Created On: 11-18-2009
Modified On: 11-28-2009

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