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Displays information on Mars time, including solar longitude

Arguments and Return Values

Parameters: None input initially; the user is prompted for the parameters, one at a time

Return Value: Nested structures giving the parameters for global and local Mars time


Syntax: marstime()

The user will initially be prompted to enter a date and time (Earth date and time, that is) for which to calculate the time parameters for Mars. If this prompt is left blank (just hit enter), it will take the current system time.

The accuracy of the outputs depends on the accuracy of the input time. If you are using the current system time, that means the outputs are only as accurate as your system clock.

After requesting the date and time, the function will display, in the following order: basic information on Earth time, approximate 2001 Mars Odyssey orbit number (if applicable), and global Mars time parameters (including solar longitude).

It will then prompt the user for a set of planetocentric coordinates for which to calculate the local time. When the function prompts for longitude, you can choose a landing site by entering a case-sensitive abbreviation. Abbreviations recognized by the function are: VIK1 for Viking Lander 1, VIK2 for Viking Lander 2, MPF for Mars Pathfinder, MERA for Mars Exploration Rover A (Spirit), MERB for Mars Exploration Rover B (Opportunity), and PHX for Phoenix.

The function will then display the local time parameters for that site, display an approximate Mars sunclock, and return a nested structure with the calculated global and local time parameters. See the function pages for marstimeglobal and marstimelocal for details on the returned structure.

Most of the equations used in the Mars time calculations are adapted from NASA GISS Mars24 (available at and Allison, M., and M. McEwen (2000), A post-Pathfinder evaluation of aerocentric solar coordinates with improved timing recipes for Mars seasonal/diurnal climate studies, Planet. Space Sci., 48, 215-235, doi:10.1016/S0032-0633(99)00092-6 (available at


dv> marstime()

Time on Mars
This function's calculations are accurate for the years 1874-2126.
 See the invididual functions for details on the levels of accuracy.
DO NOT enter mathematical expressions with letters - only numbers!
 e.g. do not enter "pg2pc(19.4724)" or "x" when asked for latitude
See (Mars24)
  S0032-0633(99)00092-6 (Allison & McEwen 2000)
S.Marshall 11-24-2009

First enter an Earth date and time (or leave blank for system clock)

Julian Date (UTC): 2455160.323304

Modified Julian Date (UTC): 55159.823304

TT-UTC offset (Delta-T): 66.184000 seconds
  Uncertainty in Delta-T: 0.000000 seconds

Modified Julian Date (TT): 55159.824070

J2000 (TT) offset: 3615.324070 days

Ephemeris Time (ET): 312363999.682 (seconds)

Warning! This function may not be accurate to even half
 an orbit beyond orbit 35100 (ET 311291588).

Approximate Odyssey orbit number: 35250

Mean anomaly of Mars: 113.892 degrees

Angle of the Fictitious Mean Sun of Mars: 4.955 degrees

Angular longitude perturbations of Mars: -0.008 degrees

Equation of Center of Mars: 9.30 degrees

True anomaly of Mars: 123.19 degrees

Areocentric solar longitude: 14.25 degrees
 Early northern spring

Heliocentric distance of Mars: 1.5918 AU

Heliocentric longitude of Mars: 99.28 degrees

Heliocentric latitude of Mars: 1.350 degrees

Planetocentric longitude of the subsolar point: 111.32 E

Planetocentric latitude of the subsolar point: 6.01

Mars Sol Date (MSD): 48310.212970

Coordinated Mars Time: 05:06:40.6 MTC

Equation of Time of Mars: -7.99 degrees = -00:31:57

Now enter planetocentric coordinates of a location on Mars
 Or enter "VIK1", "VIK2", "MPF", "MERA", "MERB", or "PHX"
  (without quotes) to use that lander's site
  Longitude (east is positive, west is negative): MERA

Planetocentric coordinates: 175.478 E, -14.754

Planetographic coordinates: 184.522 W, -14.922

Local Martian time zone offset: +12

Local mean zonal time: 17:06:40.6 MTC+12

Local mean solar time: 16:48:35.4 LMST

Local true solar time: 16:16:38 LTST

Local solar incidence angle (zenith): 67.0 degrees

Local solar azimuth: 283.4 degrees

Displaying sunclock...
/themis/lib/dav_lib/library/script_files/time/Mars_Viking.jpg: bip JPEG image: 720x360x3, 8 bits
Writing /tmp/dv_9494/4FaSZz: 720x360x3 PNG file.

Returning data structures...
struct, 2 elements
    global: struct, 15 elements
        Dt: 3615.32407041016
        M: 113.891830444336
        aFMS: 4.95494127273560
        PBS: -0.00849286187440157
        EoC: 9.29501438140869
        nu: 123.186843872070
        R: 1.59176397323608
        hlon: 99.2762756347656
        hlat: 1.35040247440338
        LS: 14.2499551773071
        EoT: -0.532494544982910
        MSD: 48310.2129696872
        MTC: 5.11127233505249
        ssplon: 111.318328857422
        decl: 6.01449251174927
    local: struct, 11 elements
        Dt: 3615.32407041016
        lon: 175.478500366211
        lat: -14.7541999816895
        lonpg: 184.521500000000
        latpg: -14.9217443466187
        timezone: "+12"
        LMZT: 17.1112747192383
        LMST: 16.8098392486572
        LTST: 16.2773456573486
        Z: 66.9528808593750
        A: 283.380920410156


Sunclock generated in example

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Created On: 11-18-2009
Modified On: 11-25-2009

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