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Use this function to output a data file to your JMARS Session. JMARS will take the input data and project it on to the current map in the Davinci Stamps layer

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: an image variable or file path plus projection information

Return Value: the image is shown in a current JMARS session


There are multiple usages for this function:

  • GeoStruct option, we provide a structure with all the same parameters as above.

Syntax: jmars(struct [,host=STRING][,port=INT][,name=STRING][,id=INT][,geo=BOOL])

struct = a GeoStruct with a stretched byte .data (or .image), .ul, .lr, (optional, .ur, .ll) elements in the formats above


  • In this case we provide a byte data array or file path and the user defines the lat/lon range with the ul/lr options

Syntax: jmars(data/path, ul=FLOAT//FLOAT, lr=FLOAT//FLOAT [, ur=FLOAT//FLOAT][, ll=FLOAT//FLOAT][, host=STRING][, port=INT][, name=STRING][,id=INT])

data/path = stretched byte data or a file path
ul = Latitude//Longitude of the upper left corner of the data
lr = Latitude//Longitude of the lower right corner of the data

Note: if only ul and lr are specified ur and ll values will be filled in automatically
ur = Latitude//Longitude of the upper right corner of the data
ll = Latitude//Longitude of the lower left corner of the data


  • This option is not well supported

Syntax: jmars(data, proj_struct [, ur=FLOAT//FLOAT][, ll=FLOAT//FLOAT][, host=STRING][, port=INT][, name=STRING][,id=INT])

data/path = stretched byte data or a file path
proj_struct = a STRUCT or path to a ISIS2/ISIS3 file that contains the relevant projection information


host = name of the machine the instance of JMARS is running on (Default="localhost")
port = port number specified in the Davinci Stamps Layer (Default=56277)
ignore = ignore value for image null space (Default = 0)
name = specifiy a custom dataset name (Default = "DV Upload "+ID#)
id = specify an id for JMARS to identify this dataset
     this will auto increment by default, but can be forced to overwrite
geo = re-project the input GeoStruct to the JMARS projection (Default = 0)


First we will load a THEMIS ISIS2 (or ISIS3) cube. In this case we just point davinci to the projection location file (an ISIS cube)


Now we load that ISIS cube and stretch the data while supplying a new name for the file,

jmars(do_rdcs(,thmstruct,name="THEMIS DCS 875")

Lets add the stretched black and white image and replace the previous image with it.

jmars(sstretch([,,9]),thmstruct,name="THEMIS B9 Radiance",id=2)

We can auto display the output of project_crism() this is a saved file because crism processing can take a while


We can also auto display the output of get_map() a user could modify the .data element to be whatever they want


Now with user defined inputs (but only two) using a davinci variable (from a loaded file)


Now with the same user defined inuts and the file on disk


And now a file on disk and an ISIS2/3 cube on disk


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Recent Library Changes

Created On: 02-08-2011
Modified On: 05-14-2013

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