write vm

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Writes a structure containing data, xaxis, and label (or sample_name) elements to an ascii file with vm style header information. This is useful to directly read davinci output into vm while preserving data label and x-axis information. This uses a system call to the cat function.

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: Data structure, output filename.

Return Value: None.


Syntax: write_vm(structure, "filename")

structure: data structure containing .data (m x 1 x n array or 1 x m x n array, .xaxis (1 x 1 x n array), .label or .sample_name (string_length x m x 1 text array)

"filename": Path and name of file to be written. Must be embedded within quotes.


dv> spectra
struct, 3 elements
    data: 6x1x143 array of float, bsq format [3,432 bytes]
    label: Text Buffer with 6 lines of text
        1: Average high albedo surface
        2: Std. dev. normalized light surface
        3: Average low albedo surface
        4: Std. dev. normalized dark surface
        5: Average dust opacity
        6: Std. dev. normalized dust opacity
    xaxis: 1x1x143 array of float, bsq format [572 bytes]
dv> write_vm(spectra,"/u/bandfield/spectra_for_vm.vmascii")
structure does not contain member: sample_name
( 2:35pm ~ ) more spectra_for_vm.vmascii
label 7
Average high albedo surface
Std. dev. normalized light surface
Average low albedo surface
Std. dev. normalized dark surface
Average dust opacity
Std. dev. normalized dust opacity
148.1320038     1.189110041     0.1199309975    1.054859996     0.23086200650       0.1391369998
158.7129974     1.178519964     0.1182549968    1.046980023     0.23082800210       0.1473989934 ...

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Created On: 02-15-2006
Modified On: 01-24-2008

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