v create

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Create a new v_object from a structure containing .x, .y, .h, and .w elements of any value.

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: Accepts a strucutre with the appropiate elements

Return Values: Returns a v_object with a .data element added


Syntax: v_create(box [, data = VAL] [, ignore = FLOAT])

'box' - A structure with .x, .y, .h, and .w elements.

'data' - optional array of data to add to the structure, with height .h and width .w

'ignore' - Value which will be filled in to the new .data element


dv> box={w=500,h=250,x=0,y=0}
struct, 4 elements
   w: 500
   h: 250
   x: 0
   y: 0

dv> a=v_create(box,ignore=0)
struct, 5 elements
   w: 500
   h: 250
   x: 0
   y: 0
   data: 500x250x1 array of int, bsq format [500,000 bytes]

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Created On: 02-20-2006
Modified On: 01-17-2008

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