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Bandfield, J. L., D. Rogers, M.D. Smith, P.R. Christensen (2004), Atmospheric correction and surface spectral unit mapping using Thermal Emission Imaging System data, J. Geophys. Res., 109, E10008, doi:10010.11029/12004JE002289.


Undrift and dewobble THEMIS IR radiance data.

Current UDDW version: 1.84

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: An image id, options to force a designated box to match a specific temperature

Return Value: The processed RDR cube


Syntax: uddw(imageid [, startx, stopx, starty, stopy, band9T ])

'imageid' - THEMIS Image ID or full path and filename

Use the following arguments with force = 2:

 'startx' - sample number for the left edge of the box
 'stopx' - sample number for the right edge of the box
 'starty' - line number for the top of the box
 'stopy' - line number for the bottom of the box
 'band9T' - average temperature for the box

Commonly used options:

geom = 1 - Writes out a fake RDR and performs ISIS2 geometric processing on the UDDW'd image (default is 0)

atm = 1 - Use predicted atmospheric variation from TES for THEMIS band 10. The atm option can only be used with the image ID, not the full path and filename. (default is 1)

The atm option uses themis3db to lookup geometry information in the MSFF-PSQL database; if database access variables are not set before executing function, then default access will be used.

unscale = 1 - Unscale short data. If the RDR is float data, this option should not be used (default is 1)

dropouts = 1 - Fill in dropouts if they occur in the image. This interpolates radiance values in the dropped data in order to filter smoothly.

crop = "minlat:maxlat" - Runs thmcrop.pl within do_isis_geometry. This has no effect if geom = 0.

lon = "longitude" - Sets the center longitude for sinusoidal projection within do_isis_geometry. This has no effect if geom = 0.

res = "resolution" - Sets the resolution (in km) for the projection within do_isis_geometry. This has no effect if geom = 0.

http = 1 - Read in the THEMIS RDR from public PDS server (uses wget - default is 0)

Not commonly used options:

login = "login_name" - Uses a different login for the database call. This is necessary if atm = 1 and outside of ASU

force = 1 - Match predicted atmospheric temperature from TES to THEMIS band 10. This must be used with atm = 1 (default is 0)

force = 2 - Designate a box and temperature to force the THEMIS image to match must be used with the optional arguments listed above (default is 0)

scorr = dnvalue - Corrects for a shutter DN error (default is 0)

isis3struct = returns an ISIS3 compatible structure, including a standardized ASU history object, appropriate for use with the ISIS3 I/O module

Some of the options have dependent files and/or programs:

atm requires day/night_maps_final.vicar (packaged with davinci) as well as mysql and the ability to login to db1.mars.asu.edu.

geom requires ISIS as well as the program pdshead to be installed on the local machine.

crop requires the presence of thmcrop.pl on the local machine.


Example 1:

dv> a = uddw("I01920047",http=1)

Returns a UDDW'd unprojected radiance image accounting for variation in the atmosphere, unscaling the short RDR data, and filling in any dropouts.

Example 2:

dv> a = uddw("/u/alfredneumann/themis_tmp_RDR_image.QUB",atm=0,geom=1,unscale=0)

Returns a UDDW'd projected (sinusoidal equal area projection at default resolution) radiance image that has not accounted for variation in atmospheric temperature. Because the QUB file in this example is float data, unscale must be set to 0.

Example 3:

dv> a = uddw("I01920047",isis3struct=1,http=1)
struct, 2 elements
   IsisCube: struct, 7 elements
       Core: struct, 5 elements...
       Instrument: struct, 13 elements...
       Archive: struct, 10 elements...
       BandBin: struct, 5 elements...
       Kernels: struct, 2 elements...
       History: struct, 7 elements...
       isis_struct_type: "object"
   cube: 320x272x10 array of float, bsq format [3,481,600 bytes]
dv> write(a,"junk.cub",isis3,force=1)

Note this set of functions requires the ISIS3 I/O module to work properly.

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Created On: 02-15-2006
Modified On: 04-15-2014

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