tes fp

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tes_fp () - Get coordinates and topography information of TES data overlying a THEMIS image. Requires THEMIS radiance image saved as “IXXXXXXXX.cub”.

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: A THEMIS image ID, overlying TES pixels from themis_tes_overlay() function

Return Value: A structure containing all TES data with additional coordinate and topography information for atmospheric correction


Syntax: tes_fp(id, tes)

'id' - A string of THEMIS id in the form of IXXXXXXXX

'tes' – overlying TES data with necessary information


dv > tes
struct, 9 elements
   wkt: Text Buffer with 365 lines of text
   tesx: 1x1x143 array of float, bsq format [572 bytes]
   tesx73: 1x1x73 array of float, bsq format [292 bytes]
   emi: 365x1x143 array of float, bsq format [208,780 bytes]
   emi73: 365x1x73 array of float, bsq format [106,580 bytes]
   ock: 365x1x1 array of short, bsq format [730 bytes]
   ick: 365x1x1 array of short, bsq format [730 bytes]
   det: 365x1x1 array of byte, bsq format [365 bytes]
   ock_ick_det: 4x365x1 array of int, bsq format [5,840 bytes] 
dv> tesfp = tes_fp(“I38360010”, tes)
struct, 13 elements
   wkt: Text Buffer with 365 lines of text
   center: 2x365x1 array of int, bsq format [2,920 bytes]
   ul: 2x365x1 array of int, bsq format [2,920 bytes]
   lr: 2x365x1 array of int, bsq format [2,920 bytes]
   topo: 614x1818x1 array of short, bsq format [2,232,504 bytes]
   tesx: 1x1x143 array of float, bsq format [572 bytes]
   tesx73: 1x1x73 array of float, bsq format [292 bytes]
   emi: 365x1x143 array of float, bsq format [208,780 bytes]
   emi73: 365x1x73 array of float, bsq format [106,580 bytes]
   ock: 365x1x1 array of short, bsq format [730 bytes]
   ick: 365x1x1 array of short, bsq format [730 bytes]
   det: 365x1x1 array of byte, bsq format [365 bytes]
   ock_ick_det: 4x365x1 array of int, bsq format [5,840 bytes]

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Created On: 06-20-2022
Modified On: 06-20-2022

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