sstretch old

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Perform a sigma stretch.

The data is stretched according to the equation:



  • 'variance' is a changeable variable but is defaulted to the value of 40
  • 'avg' is the average of the non-ignore value data
  • 'stddev' is the standard deviation of the non-ignore value data

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: Any numeric array

Return Value: A byte array


Syntax: sstretch(image [, ignore = VAL] [,variance = VAL])


dv> a
320x650x10 array of short, bsq format [4,160,000 bytes]

dv> pic1=sstretch(a[,,1],variance=10)
320x650x1 array of byte, bip format [208,000 bytes]

dv> display(pic1)

dv> pic2=sstretch(a[,,1])
320x650x1 array of byte, bip format [208,000 bytes]

dv> display(pic2)

dv> pic3=sstretch(a[,,1], variance=90)
320x650x10 array of byte, bip format [2,080,000 bytes]

dv> display(pic3)


sstretch1.png pic1 sstretch2.png pic2 sstretch3.png pic3

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Created On: 02-15-2006
Modified On: 01-17-2008

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