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Product of array elements

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: One numeric array

Return Value: The product of all elements in that array


Syntax: product(X)

If any element in the array is zero, the product will be zero, but the function will not warn you.

Currently there is no option to take the product by row, by column, or anything else like that, so the size of the array doesn't matter. It returns the product of everything in the array.

Returned format is double if input is double; float otherwise.

If no arguments are input, product() prints its description, as shown below.


dv> product()

Computes product of all elements in an array
S.Marshall 10-27-2009

dv> a = create(3, 2, start=1)
3x2x1 array of int, bsq format [24 bytes]
1       2       3
4       5       6
dv> product(a)
dv> a = create(2, 3, start=1)
2x3x1 array of int, bsq format [24 bytes]
1       2
3       4
5       6
dv> product(a)

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Created On: 11-18-2009
Modified On: 11-19-2009

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