load coreg

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Loads and parses the coregistration file created when making a mosaic using mosaic.dv or if no file exists create one in the proper format.

Arguments and Return Values

Argument: filename of the coregistration file (usually called coreg)

Return Value: A structure containing every image id and corresponding x and y shifts


Syntax: load_coreg(path)

'path' - The filename and path of the correctly formatted coregistration file


No coregistration file exists (an empty one is created)

dv>a = load_coreg("coreg")
coreg file not found
struct, 0 elements

A coregistration file exists

dv> a = load_coreg("coreg")
struct, 2 elements
   I00100202: struct, 2 elements
       x: -5
       y: 5
   I00100203: struct, 2 elements
       x: -4
       y: -3

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Created On: 02-15-2006
Modified On: 01-17-2008

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