insert struct

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Insert an element into a structure

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: A structure and the label of the element desired

Return Value: The element extracted from the structure


Syntax: insert_struct(object = STRUCT, name = STRING, value = VAL [, before = STRING/INT] [, after = STRING/INT])

The insert_struct() function adds an element to a structure at a specified location. The location can be specified as being either before or after another named element, or an index position.

The name and value fields are optional. Values inserted with no name simply have no name (they can only be accessed by position), and names inserted with no value are given a value of zero.


dv> a = { alpha=1, beta=2, delta=3 }
struct, 3 elements
   alpha: 1
   beta: 2
   delta: 3

dv> insert_struct(a, name="delta", value=4, before="beta")

dv> a
struct, 4 elements
   alpha: 1
   delta: 4
   beta: 2
   gamma: 3

dv> insert_struct(a, name="epsilon", value=5, after="delta")

dv> a
struct, 5 elements
   alpha: 1
   delta: 4
   epsilon: 5
   beta: 2
   gamma: 3

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Modified On: 07-06-2009

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