get map

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Used to download maps on the Mars Space Flight Facility Mapserver.

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: an input bound either user specified or from an ISIS2/3 cube.

Return Value: the specified map


Syntax: get_map( cube [,map = STRING][,proj = STRING][,clat = VAR][,clon = VAR][,lpo = VAR][,spo = VAR][,trim = BOOLEAN][,size = INT][,v = INT][,struct = BOOLEAN][,verify=BOOLEAN][,geo=BOOLEAN])


get_map(lat = STRING, lon = STRING, ppd = FLOAT [,map = STRING][,proj = STRING][,clat = VAR][,clon = VAR][,lpo = VAR][,spo = VAR][,trim = BOOLEAN][,size = INT][,v = INT][,struct = BOOLEAN][,verify=BOOLEAN][,geo=BOOLEAN])

Input Parameters: cube-ISIS2/3 structure read with load_pds() or a Geo-Struct read with read_geo()


lat-latitude range ("min:max")

lon-longitude range ("min:max")

ppd-pixels per degree (default=8)

Options: map name (default="MOLA_128ppd_shade_ne")

proj-projection type:"SIMPLE_CYLINDRICAL"

clat-center latitude (Default=average latitude)

clon-center longitude (Default=average longitude)

lpo-line projection offset (Default=0)

spo-sample projection offset (Default=0)

trim-trim the output data to the ISIS input

size-pixels per tile (default=256)

v-verbosity (0,1,2)

struct-return a structure of parameters (0,1)

verify-turn on available_maps() verification (Default = 0)

geo - return a Geo-Struct


dv> out=get_map(lat="10:20",lon="10:20",ppd=32,map="MOLA_128ppd_topo")
struct, 21 elements
   map: "MOLA_128ppd_topo"
   ppd: 32
   size: 256
   v: 0
   trim: 0
   minlat: 10.00000000
   maxlat: 20.00000000
   minlon: 10.00000000
   maxlon: 20.00000000
   projection: "SIMPLE_CYLINDRICAL"
   jproj: "JMARS:1"
   lpo: -640.0000000
   spo: 320.0000000
   clat: 15.00000000
   clon: 15.00000000
   dl_type: "vicar"
   x: 320
   y: 320
   z: 1
   ignore: -32768
   data: 320x320x1 array of short, bsq format [204,800 bytes]

Alternate Usage:

dv> a=load_pds("/mars/globalmosaic3/dpol_100/north/lat60_lon090/I03615038.cub") 
dv> out=get_map(a,map="MOLA_128ppd_topo")
struct, 21 elements
   map: "MOLA_128ppd_topo"
   ppd: 592.7469752
   size: 256
   v: 0
   trim: 0
   minlat: 64.17113300
   maxlat: 64.73642000
   minlon: 151.6175990
   maxlon: 153.1724730
   projection: "SIMPLE_CYLINDRICAL"
   jproj: "JMARS:1"
   lpo: -38372.50000
   spo: 89870.50000
   clat: 0.2826435000
   clon: 0.000000000
   dl_type: "vicar"
   x: 922
   y: 336
   z: 1
   ignore: -32768
   data: 922x336x1 array of short, bsq format [619,584 bytes]

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Created On: 03-06-2009
Modified On: 05-08-2015

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