write isis3

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Write an ISIS3 format file.

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: A data object and a filename

Return Value: None. File is written out.


Syntax: write_isis3(object = VAL/STRUCTURE, filename = STRING [, force = 1] [, bsqOrTile = "bsq" or "tile", valueTS = INT, valueTL = INT ] )

'object' - An ISIS3 data structure

'filename' - The name of the file to write out

'force' - An option to overwrite existing files (0 = no, 1 = yes)

'bsq' or 'tile' tells how to write out the file, leave this out and the original format will be maintained

If 'bsq' is used, you need not specify valueTS and valueTL

valueTS (value Tile Samples) and valueTL (value Tile Lines) should be sized to result in an integral number of tiles


dv> write_isis3(a,"test.cub", force = 1, bsqOrTile="Tile", valTS=133, valTL=111)

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