thm.y shear

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Shear the y position of every pixel according to a shear angle in degrees.

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: A numeric array and a shear angle

Return Value: The numeric array with the data sheared in the y direction


Syntax: thm.y_shear(picture = VAL, angle = FLOAT [, ignore = FLOAT] [, trim = 1])

'picture' - Any 3-d numeric array of any type

'angle' - The angle in degrees to shear the data, a float number between -80 and 80.

'ignore' - An optional value to fill into all newly created pixels. Default is 0.

'trim' - An option to crop the image according to the shear. Assumes you are shearing back to the original orientation of the data or 'unshearing'. If you want to have the dimensions of the original array use 'trim=1'.

This algorithm only operates in the y axis.


dv> a
300x300x3 array of byte, bip format [270,000 bytes]

dv> b=thm.y_shear(a,25)
300x440x3 array of float, bsq format [1,584,000 bytes]


y shear1.png y shear2.png

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Modified On: 10-16-2012

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