do dcs

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A quick shortcut to make dcs images with any three bands

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: A numeric array greater than 3 bands deep, and three band numbers to use in dcs operation

Return Value: A three band bip byte dcs-ed image.


Syntax: do_dcs(data, band1, band2, band3 [, ignore = VAL] [, sample = VAL] [, variance = VAL])

'data' - a multiband numeric array of greater than three bands

'band1 - band3' - the red, green and blue bands in the dcs calculation

'ignore' an optional null value of the data, default = -32768

'sample' an optional color sample array

'variance' an optional color variance specification, default = 50

If no bands are specified an 8-7-5 stretch will be attempted.


dv> a
300x750x10 array of float, bsq format [9,000,000 bytes]

dv> b
300x750x10 array of float, bsq format [9,000,000 bytes]

dv> display(do_dcs(a,9,6,4))

dv> display(do_dcs(a,7,5,3,ignore = -32768))

dv> pic = do_dcs(a,variance = cat(80,50,50,axis = y))
300x750x3 array of byte, bip format [675,000 bytes]

dv> pic = do_dcs(a,ignore = 0,sample = b)
300x750x3 array of byte, bip format [675,000 bytes]



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Created On: 02-15-2006
Modified On: 01-17-2008

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