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Revision as of 11:06, 6 July 2009 by Cedwards (Talk | contribs)

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Image coregistration.

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: Two 1 band images, a search radius

Return Value: 2x1x1 array containing X and Y offset values


Syntax: coreg(i1, i2 [, search = INT] [, random = INT] [, ignore = INT])

i1 and i2 must be 1-band images

search - radius of the search window. (default: 10)

random - number of random samples to use (default: 1000)

ignore - ignore value (background pixel color)

The coreg() function performs a windowed search computing the square of the difference between a random pixel and it's NxN neighbors.

If the "random" value is set to zero, an exhaustive search of every pixel is performed.

The function returns the X and Y offset of image1 into image 2.

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Modified On: 07-06-2009

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