mars bin

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Map data in a vanilla file that have both latitude, longitude and a value for each point at a specified number of pixels per degree.

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: Latitude and Longitude range, desired resolution, the data and an option to qurey for the data.

Return Value: An image of the specified latitude and longitude range at the specifed resolution and a map of the number of data points used for every specific point on the map


Syntax: mars_bin(upper lon, lower lon, upper lat, lower lat, resolution, vanilla file [, field] [, vanilla select] [, nofile = BOOL] [,null = VAL] [,polar = BOOL] [,east = BOOL])

'upper lon' - Upper Longitude

'lower lon' - Lower Longitude

'upper lat' - Upper Latitude

'lower lat' - Lower Latitude

'resolution' - Resolution in Pixels per Degree

'vanilla file' - Vanilla filename or data directory (VAR data if nofile is 1)

'field' - Binned field string if directory is specified

'vanilla select' - Vanilla select string if directory is specified

'nofile' - Use an array instead of a file for source data (lon, lat, value) format

'null' - Ignore value

'polar' - Works only for North Pole, use absolute value for South Pole. Takes only minlat, resolution and file

'east' - return the data in east positive coordinates


Using mars_bin with a data directory and field string

dv> a=mars_bin(360,0,90,-90,1,"/tes/mapping/data/p16139/","brightness_temp_bol","incidence 93 180 emission 0 30 brightness_temp_bol 100 270")
Apparent file size: 3x67926x1
Read ASCII file: 3x67926x1
Division by zero, 61270 times
struct, 2 elements
    cube: 360x180x1 array of double, bsq format [518,400 bytes]
    nobs: 360x180x1 array of float, bsq format [259,200 bytes]

Using mars_bin with a davinci array that has 3 columns longitude, latitude and value.

dv> a=ascii("ti_map.ascii",format=float)
Apparent file size: 3x338122x1
Read ASCII file: 3x338122x1
3x338122x1 array of float, bsq format [4,057,464 bytes]

dv> b=mars_bin(360,0,90,-90,2,a,nofile=1)
Division by zero, 112531 times
struct, 2 elements
   cube: 720x360x1 array of double, bsq format [2,073,600 bytes]
   nobs: 720x360x1 array of float, bsq format [1,036,800 bytes]

Next is a polar example

dv> data=ascii("NCR10-25.ascii")
Apparent file size: 3x195767x1
Read ASCII file: 3x195767x1
3x195767x1 array of int, bsq format [2,349,204 bytes]

If the data are centered on the south pole than use abs to trick mars_bin

dv> data[2]=abs(data[2])
1x195767x1 array of int, bsq format [783,068 bytes]

dv> c=mars_bin(75,4,data,nofile=1,polar=1)
Division by zero, 3323 times
struct, 2 elements
   cube: 120x120x1 array of double, bsq format [115,200 bytes]
   nobs: 120x120x1 array of float, bsq format [57,600 bytes]


This is the output of the first example with the data on the left and the number of observations on the right.

mars bin data1.png mars bin nobs1.png

This is the output of the second example with the data on the left and the number of observations on the right.

mars bin data2.png mars bin nobs2.png

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Created On: 02-15-2006
Modified On: 02-08-2012

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