OverviewHOW-TO for modifying and contributing to the davinci library/examples The library and examples are version controlled by a program called SubVersion (SVN). This allows for easy roll-backs to previous versions in case something bad happens. Unfortunately as a result of this added functionality it requires a little understanding of how SVN works, and what steps need to be taken to ensure proper development and documentation. Common SVN CommandsShortcuts are given in parentheses, use "svn help" for more details Local Copy Modification ActionsThese actions cause changes to your local/working copy of the repository. Only your work can changed using these commands. The SVN repository will remain untouched. svn checkout (co) - used to checkout a copy from the SVN repository svn status (st) - compares the status of your local copy to the SVN repository svn update (up) - updates your local copy to the current version (overwrites your local changes) Repository modification actionsThese actions cause changes to the SVN repository. Your work will not be changed but changes will be made to the SVN repository. svn commit (ci) 'filename' - commit your changes to the repository svn add 'filename' - add a file to the repository (requires a commit afterwards) svn delete (rm) 'filename' - delete a file from the repository (requires a commit afterwards) The CookbookThis is the standard method for checking out, modifying and committing changes Step 1Checkout a copy of the source code and library and put it in a local place mkdir /u/cedwards/davinci cd /u/cedwards/davinci/ svn co . This creates 2 local SVN directories with the source code and library checked out as a local copy in /u/cedwards/davinci As SVN works to copy the files you will see the something like: A "somefile.dvrc" Indicating that SVN has added a file called "somefile.dvrc" Step 2Change to the library directory and modify some code! Please follow syntax and spacing in place by in the library and try for neat, clean, and efficient code (in this example misc.dvrc and utils.dvrc will be changed) Step 3Try checking the status of the local copy svn st M misc.dvrc M utils.dvrc Indicating that two files have been modified. Other common descriptions include (use "svn help st" for more info): A (added), D (deleted), M (modified) C (conflict), ! (not found), ? (not in SVN) Step 4Once you are satisfied by the changes you have made commit them to SVN svn ci misc.dvrc utils.dvrc A window with your default editor (set by the $EDITOR enviornment variable) will open. Enter in as much detail possible the changes made to the files making sure to stay above the "ignore line"
Save and quit the editor which will transmit the data to the repository Sending misc.dvrc Sending utils.dvrc Transmitting file data .. Committed revision 8231. Step 5Now the repository has your changes. Lets say you come back to work on something else a few weeks later. You will always want to update your copy svn update At revision 8231. If you see this you are good to go, but if you see something else, that indicates that your copy was out of date and is now upto date. NOTE: It is very important to make sure you are editing the most upto date copy as conflicts can arise if you aren't! Step 6Now make sure to edit a wiki page with the function name using the exact same format as the rest of the wiki, which is accomplished largely by using templates. a. Make a URL with the following format b. Replace "my_new_function" with the EXACT name of your function c. Begin editing the page following the "DavinciWiki Function" template. See: Additional Information
Adding a file to the examples folder cd /u/cedwards/davinci_lib/examples - change to the local examples SVN repository cp /u/cedwards/myfile.txt myfile.txt - copy desired file to local SVN repository svn add myfile.txt - this adds the file to the SVN repository svn ci myfile.txt - this commits the changes and copies the file to the SVN repository |
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