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Compute eigenvalues and vectors from a set of spectra

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: A numeric array and a number of components

Return Value: A structure containing .evecs, .evals, .avg, and .C.

where evecs are the eigen vectors, evals are the eigen values, avg is the band average and C is the covariance matrix.


Syntax: eigen2(object, number of vectors, iterations)

'object' - can be any set of vectors or arrays

'number of vectors' - is the desired number of eigen vectors to be calculated

'iterations' - is an optional number of iterations


dv> a
577x1852x10 array of float, bsq format [42,744,160 bytes]

where a is emissivity data but this does not have to be the case

dv> e=eigen2(a[::20,::100],10)
EV#  Iterat.  Eigenvalue
1      200      318.930796
2      19      1.558902
3      14      0.551241
4      18      0.095099
5      17      0.037189
6      75      0.016159
7      200      0.014348
8      29      0.013861
9      54      0.009416
10      5      0.008374

struct, 4 elements
   evecs: 10x10x1 array of double, bsq format [800 bytes]
   evals: 10x1x1 array of float, bsq format [40 bytes]
   avg: 10x1x1 array of double, bsq format [80 bytes]
   C: 304x10x1 array of float, bsq format [12,160 bytes]

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