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Returns formatted string for input time zone offset

Arguments and Return Values

Parameters: Scalar (number) specifying the time zone offset to be converted to a string

Return Value: A string specifying that time zone offset


Syntax: tzo2str(TZO)

The time zone offset is the difference between local time and UTC time (or MTC time for Mars). It is negative for most of the Western Hemisphere and positive for most of the Eastern Hemisphere. The offset for Mountain Standard time is -7. Note that daylight savings time indicates a change in time zone. The offset for Eastern Standard time is -5, whereas the offset for Eastern Daylight Time is -4. See and for more information on offsets.

Time zone offsets are often designated as hours and minutes, but this function only uses hours. For example, the time zone UTC-07:00 (Mountain Standard Time) is represented here as just "-7", and UTC+05:30 becomes "+5.5". Many dependent functions automatically add the "UTC" prefix (or "MTC" for Mars) when displaying a time zone, but this function itself does not.

The input must be scalar.

The most important thing this function does is simply to add "+" before the number, if needed.

When tzo2str() is entered without any arguments, it prints its description, as shown below.


dv> tzo2str()

Converts input coordinated time offset to a string
Scalar inputs only - no arrays!
For example, tzo2str(5.5) returns "+5.5"
S.Marshall 08-07-2008

dv> tzo2str(0)
dv> tzo2str(5.5)
dv> tzo2str(-7)

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Created On: 11-18-2009
Modified On: 06-02-2010

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