sum group conc

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Sum concentrations from sma output according to group labels. Calculate statistical errors associated with each group abundance.

The group=1 option in sma calls this function.

Arguments and Return Values

arg1 = .endlib from sma output (must contain .group

arg2 = .conc from sma output

arg3 = .measured from sma output

arg4 = .nsamples from sma output

arg5 = .bb from sma output

arg6 = (optional) .forcedlib from sma output (must contain .group)

Returns mineral group concentration maps with labels: .grouped_conc, .grouped_labels

Also returns propagated group errors

Groups are formed by scanning .group, and forming a new group index every time it encounters a unique group label. So, 'sheet-silicate' and 'sheet silicate' would be different groups. If you want to combine groups, like 'clays' and 'glass', you have to change both labels so that they match (such as 'clays + glass') and re-run sum_group_conc.


Syntax: sum_group_conc(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,[arg6])


“Number of group labels must equal z-direction of .conc. Perhaps you have an atmospheric library to add?”

--.conc includes concentrations from your mineral library and your atmospheric library. You must include both libraries as arguments.


dv> final=sma(mixspec,library,wave=250,wave2=1305,exclude=2//9//44)
Division by zero, 130049 times
struct, 16 elements                                                
   forcedlib: struct, 1 elements                                     
       label: "none"     
   excluded: 3x1x1 array of int, bsq format [12 bytes]               
   bb: 180x70x1 array of float, bsq format [50,400 bytes]            
   bberror: 180x70x1 array of float, bsq format [50,400 bytes]       
   normconc: 180x70x47 array of float, bsq format [2,368,800 bytes]  
   measured: 180x70x73 array of float, bsq format [3,679,200 bytes]  
   modeled: 180x70x73 array of float, bsq format [3,679,200 bytes]   
   conc: 180x70x50 array of float, bsq format [2,520,000 bytes]      
   rms: 180x70x1 array of float, bsq format [50,400 bytes]           
   nsamples: 71                                                      
   endlib: struct, 4 elements                                       
       data: 44x1x73 array of float, bsq format [12,848 bytes]
       group: Text Buffer with 44 lines of text
           1: Quartz
           2: K-Feldspar
           3: Plagioclase
           4: Plagioclase
           5: Plagioclase
           6: Plagioclase
           7: Plagioclase
           8: Plagioclase
           9: Orthopyroxene
           10: Orthopyroxene
       label: Text Buffer with 44 lines of text
           1: Quartz BUR-4120
           2: Microcline BUR-3460
           3: Albite WAR-0235
           4: Oligoclase BUR-060D
           5: Andesine WAR-0024
           6: Labradorite BUR-3080A
           7: Bytownite WAR-1384
           8: Anorthite BUR-340
           9: Bronzite NMNH-93527
           10: Enstatite HS-9.4B
       xaxis: 1x1x73 array of double, bsq format [584 bytes]
   error: 180x70x50 array of float, bsq format [2,520,000 bytes]     
   spectral_range: "Channels 3-73"                                   
   wave1: 250                                                        
   wave2: 1305                                                       

dv> b=sum_group_conc(final.endlib,final.conc,final.measured,final.nsamples,
struct, 3 elements
   grouped_conc: 180x70x19 array of float, bsq format [76 bytes]
   grouped_error: 180x70x19 array of float, bsq format [76 bytes]
   grouped_labels: Text Buffer with 19 lines of text
       1: Quartz
       2: K-Feldspar
       3: Plagioclase
       4: Orthopyroxene
       5: Pigeonite
       6: Clinopyroxene
       7: Olivine
       8: Mica
       9: Serpentine
       10: Sheet-silicate 

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Created On: 02-01-2008
Modified On: 02-01-2008

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