process bin52

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Processes and load Hugh Kieffer's krc bin5 files into a manageable structure format.

Arguments and Return Values

Inputs: a filename and options

Outputs: a structure


Syntax: process_bin52(filename [, hour = FLOAT] [, type = INT] [, latitude = FLOAT] [, raw = BOOL])

filename = input filename
hour     = local time (default = 2), where an hour 0, returns the full diurnal information with atm information
type     = temperature type ( 2=bolometer (Default), 1=kinetic )
latitude = latitude bin (1-10, default is 1)
raw      = output the raw bin5 data (default is 0)


dv> a=process_bin5("tmp.bin5")
struct: struct, 6 elements
  tk: 24x1x80 array of float, bsq format [7,680 bytes]
  tbol: 24x1x80 array of float, bsq format [7,680 bytes]
  tatm: 24x1x80 array of float, bsq format [7,680 bytes]
  down_vis: 24x1x80 array of float, bsq format [7,680 bytes]
  down_ir: 24x1x80 array of float, bsq format [7,680 bytes]
  ls: 1x1x80 array of float, bsq format [320 bytes]

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Created On: 06-05-2009
Modified On: 09-08-2018

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