deplaid aster

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Shear an ASTER IR image so the plaid is relatively horizontal. Then use thm.deplaid to clean up the image

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: ASTER IR image array

Return Value: A clean ASTER IR image array


Syntax: deplaid_aster(image [,ignore=FLOAT][,rectify=BOOL])

image - data array containing an ASTEr IR image from load_aster() path of the ASTER HDF

ignore - ignore value for the blackspace

rectify - use rectify instead of shearing (this is required for projected and not camera coordinate ASTER data.

NOTE: Many values are hard coded for ASTER images at the native resolution. Use thm.deplaid() for more generic applications

This function requires davinci 2.10


dv> a=load_aster("AST_L1B_00301062005045226_20101101191054_1606.hdf")
struct, 7 elements
   anc: struct, 60 elements
       swir_pointing_angle: 8.531000000
       tir_pointing_angle: 8.567000000
       scene_cloud_coverage: 70.00000000
       aster_sceneid: "139, 115, 7"
       orbit_number: 26880.00000
       aster_gds_granule_id: "ASTL1B 05-01-04:52:0010269001"
       solar_azimuth: 158.4759680
       solar_elevation: 36.21475500
       ul_lat: 28.49365178
       ul_lon: 89.33689126
       ur_lat: 28.37826423
       ur_lon: 90.08779872
       lr_lat: 27.81880382
       lr_lon: 89.97656693
       ll_lat: 27.93334320
       ll_lon: 89.22934259
       clat: 28.15661600
       clon: 89.65765800
       ul_lat_ac: 28.33258984
       ur_lat_ac: 28.21762691
       lr_lat_ac: 27.66026184
       ll_lat_ac: 27.77436731
       clat_ac: 27.99680157
       map_orient_angle: 8.569566162
       data_browse_id: "ASTL1A 0501060452260501170201B"
       short_name: "ASTL1B"
       map_projection_name: "Universal Transverse Mercator"
       proj_param_band1: ""
       proj_param_band2: ""
       proj_param_band3N: ""
       proj_param_band3B: ""
       proj_param_band4: ""
       proj_param_band5: ""
       proj_param_band6: ""
       proj_param_band7: ""
       proj_param_band8: ""
       proj_param_band9: ""
       proj_param_band10: ""
       proj_param_band11: ""
       proj_param_band12: ""
       proj_param_band13: ""
       proj_param_band14: ""
       utm_zone_band1: "45"
       utm_zone_band2: "45"
       utm_zone_band3N: "45"
       utm_zone_band3B: "45"
       utm_zone_band4: "45"
       utm_zone_band5: "45"
       utm_zone_band6: "45"
       utm_zone_band7: "45"
       utm_zone_band8: "45"
       utm_zone_band9: "45"
       utm_zone_band10: "45"
       utm_zone_band11: "45"
       utm_zone_band12: "45"
       utm_zone_band13: "45"
       gdalinfo_file: "/tmp/dv_13603//gdalinfo.txt"
       offset: 1x15x1 array of double, bsq format [120 bytes]
       corr_coeff: 1x15x1 array of double, bsq format [120 bytes]
       path: Text Buffer with 15 lines of text
           1: /tmp/dv_13603//band_1.pgm
           2: /tmp/dv_13603//band_2.pgm
           3: /tmp/dv_13603//band_3N.pgm
           4: /tmp/dv_13603//band_3B.pgm
           5: /tmp/dv_13603//band_4.pgm
           6: /tmp/dv_13603//band_5.pgm
           7: /tmp/dv_13603//band_6.pgm
           8: /tmp/dv_13603//band_7.pgm
           9: /tmp/dv_13603//band_8.pgm
           10: /tmp/dv_13603//band_9.pgm
   ul: 2x1x1 array of double, bsq format [16 bytes]
   ur: 2x1x1 array of double, bsq format [16 bytes]
   ll: 2x1x1 array of double, bsq format [16 bytes]
   lr: 2x1x1 array of double, bsq format [16 bytes]
   bandlist: Text Buffer with 15 lines of text
       1: band1
       2: band2
       3: band3N
       4: band3B
       5: band4
       6: band5
       7: band6
       8: band7
       9: band8
       10: band9
   data: struct, 4 elements
       vnir: 4980x4200x3 array of float, bsq format [250,992,000 bytes]
       vnir3B: 4980x4600x1 array of float, bsq format [91,632,000 bytes]
       swir: 2490x2100x6 array of float, bsq format [125,496,000 bytes]
       ir: 830x700x5 array of float, bsq format [11,620,000 bytes]

dv> b=deplaid_aster(
830x700x5 array of float, bsq format [11,620,000 bytes]

dv> display(do_dcs(,5,3,1))
performing a 5-3-1 stretch

dv> display(do_dcs(b,5,3,1))
performing a 5-3-1 stretch


aster dirty.png aster clean.png

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Created On: 10-17-2012
Modified On: 05-08-2013

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