THEMIS deconvolution

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This procedure illustrates the method to linearly unmix THEMIS spectrum using a spectral endmember library. It is highly advised that you follow the THEMIS standard processing procedure, followed by THEMIS atmospheric correction before attempting THEMIS deconvolution. You may also obtain a processed THEMIS image from ThmProc, but the atmospheric correction is (for the time being) up to you!


Load your THEMIS image:

 dv> thm_spec = load_pds("I10418002.atmcorr.cub")

Load your THEMIS spectral library (downloaded from the ASU Spectral Library Tool output) with THEMIS 10-point spectra as the output. You may also use the i2i function to resample an preexisting endmember library at a different instrument sampling (i.e., TES) to THEMIS spectral resolution.

dv> thm_lib = read("your_spec_lib.hdf")

Remove band 10 from library:

dv> =[,,:9]
dv> thm_lib.xaxis = thm_lib.xaxis[,,:9]

Ideally, band 1 and 2 should be averaged in both library and THEMIS image - or, just run SMA over bands 2-9, as below.

Now run deconvolution using SMA:

 dv> out = sma([x1:x2,y1:y2],thm_lib,nn = 1,noerr = 1, wave1 = 2, wave2 = 9, band = 1)

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