Convert THEMIS radiance to emissivity

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This procedure is designed to take an ISIS projected THEMIS Infrared image after standard processing and convert it to emissivity. The data output of this should be identical to what can be generated using thmproc.

NOTE: The example is shown for 10 bands, if less bands are present like in a nighttime image you can still safely perform these steps but the band configuration will need to be given to thm.themis_emissivity.


Read in the ISIS map projected standard processed 10 band THEMIS infrared image.

dv> a=read("I10418002.irmc.cub")
..........577x1852x10 array of float, bsq format [42,744,160 bytes]

Make sure the null value of the image is set.

dv> a[where a<=-2]=-32768
577x1852x10 array of float, bsq format [42,744,160 bytes]

Convert the radiance to emissivity and max brightness temperature.

dv> b=thm.themis_emissivity(a,ignore=-32768)
./themis/calib/temp_rad_v4: VICAR bsq image: 11x561x1, 32 bits
struct, 2 elements
   emiss: 577x1852x10 array of float, bsq format [42,744,160 bytes]
   maxbtemp: 577x1852x1 array of float, bsq format [4,274,416 bytes]

NOTE: The null values for both b.emiss and b.maxbtemp have been reset to zero. b.emiss is the emissivity information of the image while b.maxbtemp is the maximum derived brightness temperature taken from THEMIS bands 3 through 9.

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